Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Endosulfan poisoning: The other side of the story

The controversial pesticide Endosulfan, which is allegedly the cause for diseases and deformity is being widely debated online. While a lot needs to be understood about the subject, in terms of scientific facts and rationale, armchair critics have found a convenient way to rile up the masses based on media reports on the issue.

To every story, there is always an other side, which Voice Of  Keralam hopes to bring to the forefront, so people can take an objective decision before making any judgment based on popular opinion.

During such a quest to unearth the truth and alternate voices in the system we came across the following revelation, which was quite shocking to us. Please observe the screen-grabs from Google Search Index to see for yourself.

Google search for Endosulfan workers rally in Bhavnagar held on November 17, 2010 in Gujarat. You can see the Manorama Online story featured on page one of search results. 
Stories on Endosulfan workers from Bhavnagar demanding a withdrawal of the 'fraudulent' NIOH report can be seen here [Link
When you click on the link to Manorama Online to view the story, the following 'error' is displayed.

The screen reads "we are sorry the page you are currently viewing is unavailable due to technical problems"

And, here's the original screen-grab of the story retrieved from Google cache pages 

  The actual story  as posted on Manorama Online about the Bhavnagar Rally help in Gujarat to oppose ban of Endosulfan and demand withdrawal of NOIH report. 

Why an esteemed newspaper like Manorama Online which is held in high esteem across the world for its news content and objective journalism, feel the need to specifically remove a story from their online edition, is anybody's educated guess! 

May be it truly is a technical error, so one would like to believe...  



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