Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How NGO's are working against India

How Kerala NGO's are canvassing at COP5 to vote against India in the issue relating to endosulfan. The following e-mail was circulated to COP5 members with press clippings and reports of Indian media showing a fasting Kerala Chief Minister. Are NGO's views beyond a Nation's Views? Is Achuthanandan's publicity justified? 


"Dear friend,

Greeting from Kerala!

While am writing this the chief minister on behalf of the state of Kerala
had lead protest today at various places in the state and the day was marked
as Anti-Endosulfan day (25 April 2011). When thousands of People are
protesting in the small state of Kerala in India against Endosulfan, I feel
this news should also reach people far and wide.
The attachments are news from one of the leading English daily ' The Hindu'
over the past few days about the happening in the state inspite of the
campaign against Endosulfan hasn't yielded any result for a national
decision to ban Endosulfan  has fall in the deaf years of people who are
responsible to ban this in our country.

How can we remain silent when this deadly chemical has end the life of
hundreds and have made life impossible for many more in Kasargod, North
Kerala. Let us do what ever possible to ban this deadly chemical when the
issue comes up for review by the committee of parties of Stockholm
convention happening right now by raising our voice.

Delegates from India would take a pro- endosulfan stand fore sure , so
please forward this to as many as possible and to anyone you may know would
be participating in the Stockholm convention presently, to let them know
that these are the voices from the place where it is worst hit by this
deadly posion.

In solidarity with the victims of Endosulfan from Kasargod District, Kerala
Deepak Dayanandan Kerala India"

Does it suit them to indulge in such activities? Sitting their with foreigners and opposing your own country?
Decide for yourself!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

endosulfan and media inaccuracy in reporting

Press Trust of India (PTI) has filed a story today titled “No objection to Karnataka endosulfan ban: Pawar” which is widely covered across websites and heatedly debated on twitter. The headline of the story seems to suggest that Union Agriculture Minster Mr. Sharad Pawar has condoned the embargo on usage of endosulfan in the state announced by the Government of Karnataka on February 17 2011. [Deccan Chronicle story]

For a student of media, this is a classic example of how ‘the pen is mightier than the sword‘when it comes to shaping public perception.

In the PTI story, the journalist mentions that
The Karnataka cabinet last week decided to ban use of endosulfan for a period of six months.
The fact is revealed in the statement by a member of Karnataka Government Cabinet –
 “It is a temporary ban for 60 days. Of course, we have appealed to the Centre for a permanent ban as early as possible,” minister for higher education V.S. Acharya said here on Thursday.
How “60 days temporary ban” becomes “ban use for six months” is a shocking display of misinformed reporting on behalf of PTI.

Further on, if you read the statements made by Mr. Sharad Pawar in the budget parliamentary session replying to supplementary questions, they are largely in favor of usage of endosulfan.
“ in a number of states have said they have no problem in using endosulfan as it was giving good results.
Pawar said the government had set up four expert committees since 1991 and each one of them had recommended continued use of endosulfan.

To a question on ban in several countries on use of endosulfan, Pawar said the pesticide was being used in at least 40 countries, including Brazil, Australia and China.

The story does mention that Pawar said farmers have been advised against spraying of endosulfan on crops, particularly cashew-nut plantations. This is very strategically given as a concluding statement. But if you read the first half of the story –

However, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar attributed the disastrous consequences of the pesticide to aerial spraying of endosulfan which was against the guidelines.

So, ‘aerial spraying’ firstly, was not a standard operating procedure as a part of the guideline on endosulfan usage. Secondly, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to prove that the alleged victims in Kerala, Kasargod or Dakshin Karnataka are due to endosulfan usage, as admitted by Union Minister of Environment Mr. Jairam Ramesh in November 2010 -  [DNA: Ban on Endosulfan will have national implications: Jairam Ramesh - Story link]

Ramesh said that he has sought a proper epidemiological study and has asked the ministry for the cause of the death in the district. "We will look into all factors," he said.

This reeks of a concerted activity to misguide people, a misrepresentation of facts by the media or a genuine error by the journalist or desk editor at PTI.

Note: The Karnataka embargo on usage of endosulfan in the state is being appealed in the High Court by manufacturers of the product [Link]

Friday, January 21, 2011

EU, Endosulfan and Stockholm Convention

European Union calls for ban on endosulfan, solely on the basis on trade interests rather
than scientific truth, citing health hazards.
Those sneaky imperialists

Today, at a press briefing in Chennai, Pesticide Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India (PFMAI) alleged that European Union (EU), the lead proponent for calling a blanket ban on the supposedly harmful endosulfan pesticide which is blamed for health effects or 'endosulfan poisoning' in Karsargod, Kerala is actually driven by trade interests!

Firstly, this claim coming from a manufacturers association seems to be a little difficult to digest at the first go. But what surprises us the most that the most 'elementary truth' has to be 'spelled out' for everyone, including the media.

Hasn't EU been doing this for ages! If you look at the facts, European Union (EU) is the largest stakeholder in the global pesticide. Also, EU's posturing and arm-twisting policies against the manufacturing of 'generic' drugs, the back bone of India Pharmaceutical Industry, is well documented.

So it does not surprise us that EU will go to any length to protect their precious money churning patented pesticides by calling for a worldwide ban on endosulfan at the most sacrosanct of global gatherings, the Stockholm Covention.

There is a move to label endosulfan as a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) chemical at the Stockholm Convention. And guess what, if endosulfan is banned the farmer in India may be left with no choice but to purchase replacement products which are 10 times more costlier, not proven to be a safe alternative to endosulfan and are patented by private European manufacturers.

If tomorrow European Union decides that it does not wish to manufacture or export the 'replacement pesticide' to India, what is the Indian farmer going to do? EU has managed to sabotage it's own food security by extreme protectionism, is India to suffer the same fate? How do the organic farming proponents plan to feed a billion Indian mouths without endosulfan? Does the common man have to suffer as commodity prices sky rocket to astronomical prices? Does the Indian farmer in Vidarbha, Maharashtra & Andhra Pradesh suffer the same "suicidal' fate that the current local agricultural economy has failed to curb?    

The funniest part is, European Union (EU) is not even a heavy user of endosulfan, as the insecticide is most efficient in temperate climate zones such as India, Brazil, Argentina (Latin America), Africa, China, South Asian countries and so on, where incidentally endosulfan has been used for decades and is still not banned due to its efficacy being soft on pollinators like honey bees.

A skeptical eye may be able to see clearly through the lies propagated by vested interests and read through the underlying economic imperialist agenda. We all, citizens of India, have been hoodwinked by distorted reality and misinformation campaign undertaken to deprive the Indian farmer his right to livelihood, liberty, justice and freedom of choice.

For our previous post on Media Lies and Victims of Endosulfan read  European Union's agenda read:
Endosulfan poisoning victims: Different numbers, similar lies?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Endosulfan pesticide victims: Different figures, Similar lies?


For quite some time, we have been reading some interestingly absurd stuff about the curious case of Endosulfan.  All the claims vested groups do not tally at all with the others.  The other surprise, there is no credible source mentioned for any of these figures. Neither is there any sort of proof, which states that Endosulfan is harmful and causes deformities.

Voice of Keralam, a seeker of underlying truth in the blinding noise, compares number of endosulfan victims as mentioned in the public domain. Following are actual reports of endosulfan victims as mentioned by various media reports and other sources. How can there be such a wide discrepancy in alleged number of endosulfan victims.  

Daily News & Analysis DNA:
Scammed in the name of economic growth and science
Thursday, December 23, 2010 

DNA reports endosulfan pesticide victims at 1000 death

Alleged Endosulfan pesticide victims:
•    1000 killed, 10000 suffering from deformities and disorders in Kerala
•    Source quoted in the story: None
•    Location:  Kerala

Economic Times
Kerala endosulfan victims allege 'state terrorism'
23 NOV, 2010 

ET story reports Endosulfan pesticide victims at 500 deaths

  Alleged endosulfan pesticide victims:
•    500 Killed, 8000-9000 affected
•    Source quoted in the story: Anti-Endosulfan Committee, Kasargod, Kerala
•    Location: Kasargod, Kerala

The Hindu

2,836 Endosulfan victims identified

December 29, 2010

The Hindu reports endosulfan victims at 2836 affected

Alleged endosulfan pesticide victims:
  • 2,836 in 11 panchayats of Kasargod (does not comment on casualties or deformities)   
  • Source quoted in the story: Chief Minister V. S. Achuthanandan in Kerala assembly
  • Location: Kasargod, Kerala 

Pesticide Action Network (PANNA)
An International NGO, anti-pesticides, working in Kerala to help alleged endosulfan victims Another cluster of endosulfan-induced illness in India
Mon, 2011-01-03

PANNA reports endosulfan victims at 46
and hundreds more

 Alleged endosulfan pesticide victims:
  • 46 officially reported, but NGOs suspect there are hundreds more  
  • 174 families affected as per researchers
  • Source quoted in the story: researchers, official estimate, NGOs
  • Location: Kasargod, Kerala

Business Standard
Endosulfan use continues as government fails to enforce ban
December 1, 2010

Business Standard story reports endosulfan victims
as 150 deaths
 Alleged endosulfan pesticide victims:
  • 150 deaths & 5000 people affected in Kasargod district, Kerala    
  • 27 affected in Idduki district, Tamil Nadu  
  • Source quoted in the story: Unofficial estimates
  • Location: Kasargod, Kerala. Idduki district, Tamil Nadu  

  The Daily Pioneer:
Kerala package for Endosulfan victims
 January 07, 2011

The Daily Pioneer reports endosulfan pesticide
victims as 500 deaths

Alleged endosulfan pesticide victims:
  • 500 deaths
  • 2836 affected  
  • Source quoted in the story: Kerala government  
  • Location: Kasargod, Kerala
 The Deccan Herald
Kerala Govt unveils relief package for endosulfan victims
November 23, 2010

The Deccan Herald reports endosulfan pesticide
victims as 486 deaths
Alleged endosulfan pesticide victims:
  • 486 deaths
  • Source quoted in the story: Kerala Government 
  • Location: Kasargod, Kerala

The Hindu
Compensation promised to Endosulfan victims
Wednesday, Nov 10, 2010

The Hindu reported endosulfan victims
as 300 in Nov 2010

Alleged endosulfan pesticide victims:
  • 300 deaths, of which 176 were compensated
  • Source quoted in the story: Kerala Government 
  • Location: Kasargod, Kerala  

These findings lead us to ask only one question, what the actual number is of alleged “endosulfan pesticide victims” in Kasargod, Kerala. There seems to be some kind of confusion in the esteemed minds of leading   media houses on the factual numbers in this case.

Some may say, that as time has gone by, more victims have been identified or the government numbers are on the conservative side or higher side depending how you may choose to see it. But, here’s the real deal, the citizens of India deserve to know the truth. And truth cannot be based on hearsay, unofficial estimates, researchers, concerned NGOs, and the likes. Let the truth be told by scientific bodies and people who understand the implications of such an issue rather then every armchair critic looking to have a say, just for the sake of being heard.

The Indian citizen is vigilant and cognizant to the fact that he or she has been hoodwinked before by the same vested interests masquerading as “concerned parties” to promote their own agenda.

Let truth prevail! Satyameva Jayate!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Endosulfan usage in India: map with statistics

Endosulfan usage in India as per survey conducted in the year 2007

Voice of Keralam has obtained a copy of a map which shows Endosulfan usage distribution in India in the year 2007.

As observed in the map, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and part of West Bengal use more than 1000 kilolitres of Endosulfan. Also, states such as Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Chandigarh, Uttaranchal, Tamil Nadu, and Haryana amongst others use 500-100 Kilolitres of Endosulfan. 
This clearly shows Endosulfan usage in India is spread across various geographical areas of the country. However, the victims reported have been largely in the state of Kerala, which has virtually no Endosulfan usage across the state. This leaves a lot unanswered in term of the current debate on the insecticide and poses difficult questions to those who have called for a blanket ban of the molecule across the country and the world. 

What do you feel about these findings?  Do you think there is more to the “endosulfan poising’ story in India?